
Friday, January 1, 2010

Simon Says Happy New Year! BIG NEW YEAR CANDY!

Happy New Year bloggers!

Card above by Dt member Lols.

It's a great day for making art with family and friends! Do you have any art related new year resolutions / goals? We'd love to hear!

Comment below and on on January 10 (1 - 10 - 2010 - LOVE THAT DATE;) - the winner will be announced. The winner will receive................CHOICE! That means, the winner can pick any item from our store with ONE exception - no machines. SO, bloggers, get busy, Please tell us your 2010 new year's crafting / art goals! With tens of thousands of goodies to choose from, it's a paper artist's dream!

Happy New Year!
Heidi & the Simon Team


  1. OHHHHHH--what generous blog candy!!!!! Well--it's not exactly a resolution, but I definitely have set the goal to stretch myself creatively and do as many challenges as I can! Now that the hectic holiday season is over, I've also challenged myself to make 5 Christmas cards a month starting this month! I don't want to get in the same rushed predicament as this year! I hope everyone at Simon Says Stamp has a wonderful, healthy, and creative 2010!!!!

  2. Wow!! This is a great give-away. My New Year goal is to take more time to enjoy scrapping/crafting for myself! I love making things for other people and often find little time to do my own layouts or home decor projects, so this year I want to make sure I get caught up on lots of scrapbook pages along with projects for other people. Happy New Year to all of the Simon Says Stamp group!

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR SIMON SAYS STAMPS CREW :) ohhh what a lovely yummie candy :)You are always so generous!!
    Oh I don't have many new years resulutions I am so bad at keeping them ;) but one thing I want to improve my cards a bit more :) especially my colouring I want to bring to a new level :)

    hugssss Ria

  4. My goal is to finish some craft projects I have started. Also to learn how to use my Copic markers. What fantastic blog candy that you're offering. Thanks for a chance to win a great prize.

  5. Wonderful giveaway! How exciting! I just hope to continue to learn more and expand my crafting! Happy New Year to Simon Says Stamp!

  6. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2010 brings wonderfful things for all of you! What do I want craft wise for 2010? I'd like to find time to spend in my studio to play AND organize. My "Me" time always seems to get lost, so inevitably I'm always rushing to finish a card or a project.

    Elaine Allen

  7. I just want to be able to set some designated time JUST FOR SCRAPPING!

  8. Oh YES what a wonderful blog candy! First I would like to wish you ALL a wonderful and creative new year. My resolution for this year is: no procrastination anymore, I make 1 christmas card per week and 2 miscellanous, so I will not have to hurry anymore for any birthday or for christmas this year.
    Please join me in for the candy, that would help!

  9. Wow! What a great candy!!
    My goal is to start at last our wedding scrapbook and my doughters 1st year scrapbook , and start to study mixed media

    Happy new year everybody!!!!

  10. Happy new year to all at Simon Says and heres to another fab year of crafting.My wonderful hubby has been converting our cellar into a craftroom for me and it,s just about ready Whoo Hoo!i,ve just to add the furniture so my new years crafty resolution has to be to get it organised put away neatly and to keep it TIDY LOL!!!! I know it wont be tidy all the time
    Thanx for the chance of winning yummy candy.
    Trish (-:

  11. Wow, what a fantastic prize! You guys are great. So, this year, I want to make some time to push myself to be more creative - I want this creative block cloud to move over!

    Happy 2010 to you all xxx

  12. WOW, what a candy!!! Yummy!!!! =)
    I wanna learn how to color better and I'm always hungry for new exiting techniques, these are my artistic goals for 2010! =)
    Happy New Year everyone!
    Hugs, SannaS

  13. Wow, what great blog candy!! Hmm, my goal for 2010 is to get back into scrapbooking and complete some albums. I have a couple I have been working on, so want to complete them as well as work on having cards made AHEAD of time so I'm not rushing last minute!

  14. my resolution is to use up some of my stash, i would love to win after being ill all over xmas and new year with bad flu.

  15. Wow that's some impressive candy!

    Craft-wise I'm planning to enter more challenges, to learn how to use my Copics (try to find a course) and get ahead with my Christmas cards. Oh, and enjoy what I have, try not to go running after the latest new must-have!

    Happy New Year to you all

  16. Wow! That's amazing candy!

    I want to be creative every single day in all aspects of my life. Create some art, create a positive attitude, create a new dish (recipe) get the idea!!!


  17. Wonderful giveaway! My New Year Goal is to scrap more and more, and thinking of me, not forget me.

  18. Happy new year everyone. What a generous candy, thank you for the chance.
    I've been sick a lot this year so my new year's resolution is to live and enjoy my life more. And of course continue blogging and maybe reach more followers and hits.

  19. Happy New Year! My resolution is to catch up on my scrapbooking and start making gifts for a few pregnant friends!

  20. Happy New year!
    I have not made any resolution for New year. But I do wish to learn a lot of new tecniques to improve my cards. I will do more challenges and I will be better at leaving comments on other crafters blogs. I love it so much when someone says "Hi" on my blog, so I want to pay it back. I am also looking forward to sending my cards, lightening the day for my friends and family. And I did not make any resolutions for new year... *phu* This is going to be a busy year! *LOL*

    Thanks for giving such a gret candy!


  21. I want to make more Christmas cards during the year.. but why do I say the same thing every year?! No matter how much you have, the are never enough!

    This is a dream candy, so i'll stay with fingers crossed!!
    Big hugs to a wonderful team for 2010 xx

  22. Wow - what a generous blog candy you're offering! My goal for 2010 is to be better prepped for Xmas (do winter cards every month I think) and to work on my copic colouring! I love getting inspiration from challenges so I hope to BE an inspiration for other bloggers & crafters too! Happy New Year to you all for a fantastic 2010!
    Hugs, Danielle

  23. wow, was für ein tolles candy.
    ich möchte mal im neuen jahr mich ein bißchen verbessern im basteln, mehr kreativ zu sein.
    ein gesundes neues jahr
    lg gila

  24. Waw that is really generous of you! Love to be the winner, hope I will be! :)
    My New Year resolution, to craft more and to sell more of my jewellry. Need to start learning to sew!
    Happy New Year Simon Say! Hugs,Moni

  25. first of all - happy new year Simona crew :)

    what a great candy you offer :D

    in 2010 I would like to squize as much as possible from my creativity... try new techniques... free my mind a little while scrapping :0

  26. My craft resolution is to try and make my cards more complex using embellishments and different papers and start to work on the insides too instead of just an insert happy new year Julye

  27. What an awesome candy! Wow. My crafting resolution is to make the time to be creative at least 3X/week as I also work and am wife and motehr. I also plan to take more 'everyday' photos, print those photos, AND scrap those photos. Oh, and I also want to create cards all year so that I always have some 'on hand' rather than scrambling at the last minute to make one. Happy New Year 2010!

  28. What a great candy, my crafty new years resolution is to complete my collection of Distress inks and to build on my stamps mainly Penny Black and House Mouse.
    Thanks for a chance to win
    Tracy x

  29. OMG!!! What a Cool blog candy to start the new year off with a bang!
    I just love the above card how cute is the heels on the mouse!

  30. Oooh, fab candy!
    My crafty resolution is to be a bit more daring and try new techniques (and also to make at least 5 Christmas cards every month)
    Happy New Year to you all at Simon Says!

  31. Happy New Year to all @ Simon Says! I would like to get "craftier" this year my making more scrapbook pages & cards. Time to spread my wings & stop hoarding! LOL

  32. oh my GOODNESS, seriously?! this is fabulous! thanks, Heidi and gang!!

    my biggest goals for 2010 involve EXPERIMENTING with my crafties. i have dabbled with a little of this and a little of that, but ALWAYS go back to my comforts, and that simply won't do! i want to ROCK the alcohol inks and i want to feel COMPLETELY confident with my Cuttlebug and Nesties and such. and GESSO! i have some, and i wanna get MESSO! :D

    and i'm really hoping to forge closer ties with some of my new bloggy friends.

    happy 2010, Simon Says!

  33. Happy New Year everyone at Simon Says Stamp. What generous candy!!
    I'd like to get better at cardmaking, enter more challenges, stop buying so much stash and get on another DT.I'd also like to be not rushing at the last minute with challenges and to get my Christmas cards done earlier this year.

    Kat x

  34. I have recently discovered the world of mini albums (and I'm addicted!)so I will hopefully be concentrating on designing and putting together several of these for various occasions during the year. I love incorporating all kinds of art medium into them. I need to continue on with the heritage regular scrapbooking pages that I have started this past year also. Happy New Year to EVERYONE!

  35. My goal for the year is to find someone to scrap with. I want to share my love of this hobby and the joy it gives me.

  36. Well now!!! I want to try something completely new, I've heard of Tim Holtz and his beautiful creative craft products but I've never tried any. I've seen some fab examples and would like to try some of his products so that is my goal for 2010. all that lovely distressing, arty type of crafting.

    Thank you for giving me the chance to win your Candy.

    Suzi x

  37. Fabby candy as ever!!
    What's my resolution for 2010 .. to get the new Distress inks colours and some more masks so I can create my own backgrounds.
    Oh I promise to make 3 Christmas cards a week!!

  38. That is such a sweet card!

    I've just finished college and my resolution is to find a job pronto and spend all my money on scrapbook!

  39. What an amazing offer...the yummiest candy ever! I have a lot of art/crafting goals for the year, but at the top is organizing my room and supplies, doing a card or gift tag each week for next Christmas (lol), and improving my card making skills as much as possible. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Have a happy and healthy 2010!

  40. Great blog candy!! My goal is to finish some ufos including 2 atc technique books as well as have a go a tims 12 tags from any year.

  41. You know how to celebrate a New Year! I hope to do more challenges in hopes of finding my mojo, keep my room cleaner (wish me luck) & maybe start a blog.

  42. My crafting goal is to make more cards & start scrapbooking. I have lots of products, just need the time to get ideas and create!

  43. Great giveaway!!!
    Happy New Year to all of you. 8)
    Goals for me this year in crafting is to try lots of new things....products, techniques, etc.

  44. What fabby candy! I think my resolution would be to keep improving my coloring skills and defining my own style.

    Happy New Year!

  45. Happy New Year!! and WOWZA!! :) Thanks for the opportunity.

    I'm hoping to be more organized in 2010. I really want to be able to *FIND* my supplies so that I can make more cards for my friends & family. Crossing my fingers that I'll keep this resolution. :D

  46. OMG ... pick my own prize! OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm kind of hoping I don't win, cause I wouldn't be able to decide! LOL Good luck to everyone & Happy New Year to all!

  47. ohhh what a nice candy have so much nice things:-)
    By the way, happy New Year !My goals are to finish to scrap all the old kids pictures for their personal albums(as they are now 15 and 19yo and I scrap since some years only). I still have enveloppes with old photos to scrap. Will be nice to be up to date with their albums :-)

  48. There are so many- where do I start. I want to resume my at least 1 card challenge a day-that translates to posting every day! I'm also going to start on Christmas cards early! Here's to a very creative, successful year for everyone at simon says!

  49. Happy New Year, y'all. My crafting goal for the new year is to use supplies that I have that I've never used.

  50. My Goodness, what a generous give away. I would say my resolution this year would be to consistent. I want to post on my blog new artwork at least 3-4 a weeks and stick to it. I know people love to be able to count on something and I want that to be me and my artwork and videos.

  51. wow!!! My goal is to actually organize my scrap room. I know that's common, but I got some new shelving and some paper shelves so I'm hoping it will really happen!

    Painting my scrap room would really be icing on the cake.

    Trying hard to use the items I buy, and not just collect them!! lol. I think I have a problem.

    Have a great and happy new year! I'm so happy I found your blog!!


  52. What awesome blog candy, thank you so much for the chance!!!

    My goal is to do some scrapbook pages. I'm strictly a card maker, but I definitely want to get into scrapbooking!

    Thanks again and love the blog! :)


  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Thanks for offering such wonderful New Years Candy! And Happy New Year to the whole staff at Simon Says Stamps! My goal is to keep improving the cards I make and to get more of them out to the people who need some cheering up!

  55. Wow! Happy New Year to all. My goal is to get caught up on my scrapbooking. I'm just over a year behind and I'd really like to churn out those pages so that I can scrap current stuff!

  56. Happy 2010 to everyone!!! one of my goals is to finish some kits that are sitting in a box begging to be completed, another goal is to make some mini albums with the ideas I have dancing in my head ... major goal for 2010 to be more productive with my cards, albums and altered items.

  57. Thank you for the chance! I would love to bulk up my stamp collection! Wish me luck!

  58. How exciting!!! I don't like "cute" BUT...I have fallen in love with the Magnolia stamps! How could you not like them?? Keeping my fingers crossed till the draw! I have been collecting "cute" paper and embellishments just for this!

  59. My craft related goals for 2010 are to create lotsa fun things for my baby that is due in May this year. Its my 1st child & can't wait to be able to create a scrapbook with lotsa photos of its 1st few months. Have already started with the ultrasound photos. So that would be my one big goal. Also to create a nursery with lots of creative things to frame - including sewing & cross stitch as well as paper crafts :o)

  60. my goal is to start the year getting my supplies and work area organized and labeled. then i want to learn more techniques and start combining them in mixed media works.
    hope everyone has a great 2010!

  61. Woo! What an awesome candy offer! My crafty goal this year is to try some new that-is-so-not-me techniques. I tried it with Tim's tags, and really enjoyed the process (learned a thing or two, too)! Happy New Year!

  62. 2010 is starting very well! What blog candy!
    Happy new year to you and I wish you joy, happiness and ...creativity!
    My 2010 new year's crafting / art goals are: 1. tidy out my desk;
    2. prepare cards on time and not always at the last moment;3. take an hour a week for myself and scrapping!

  63. Oh my. I don't do resolutions but my goal is to be more organised, to open an etsy site to sell my work, Don't know whats stopping me there! Keep up with my blag and design teams and have more fun crafting!!!! Oh and too win your blog candy, LOL!!!!! Happy 2010

  64. WOW!! What an amazing prize!!! This year, I want to create even more and make sure I have some quality ME time!!! Happy New Year!

  65. Wow, such generous candy! So many choices! Thanks for the opportunity.
    I hope to learn more crafts, take part in more cardmaking challenges and also to send a 1-4-1 card to all the members of our RSA stamping group.
    All the best for 2010 to the Simon Says Stamp Blog team!

  66. Oh WOW, what a fantastic candy!! My craft and art goals this year are simple. I want to learn!! I want to learn new techniques, learn to think outside the box, learn to me more creative, take a couple of art classes. I have so many projects floating around in my head that I need to learn to be more focused and organized.

    Happy New Year from Ireland xx

  67. Great blog candy.My aim this year is to complete lots of scrapbooking challenges,as well as the cardmaking ones I already do.

  68. Happy New Year to everyone. I am an artist who hit a creative wall some time ago and my creativity has been sporadic over the last year. So this year I am going to create at least one thing every week. In theory I am aiming for a painting or drawing every week but I've really left the boundaries wide so it might be card, ATCs or even inchies. I just have to be creative every week.

  69. Oh wow, great candy!
    I wish you all a happy new Year!
    Zetti :-)

  70. happy New Year to all! My goal for this year is to get way ahead of the game. I've already started on projects for Christmas and hope to get most of that done in the next 2 months. I also want to spend more time scrapbooking for myself instead of other people so my photos from the last 3 years can find a home in my albums.
    Great blog candy!

  71. wondy thanks so much for the chance to win and Happy New year to you all!!!

  72. My new year's resolution is NOT to make any. Just live each day as it comes...and enjoy every moment...the good and the not so good. Thanks for the chance to win the New Year Candy.


  73. Wow what fab candy. how generous!!!

    My Crafty New Year Goal is to make one Christmas Card every week. Hopefully then I will have enough by the time Christmas comes (I ran out of cards and time last year, so had to buy some - how terrible is that?!)

    Best wishes for 2010.


  74. What an incredible give away! My goal is to take some set time out for myself to catch up on my scrapbooks and card making that I have fallen so far behind on. To learn a few new techniques with all the cool tools I purchased in 2009!

    Happy and Creative New Year to all!!!

  75. Happy New Year!
    I did consider making a pact with myself not to spend anything on new stash this year, but soon realised that this was totally never gonna happen! So, lets be realistic - I have set myself a monthly limit! Fingers crossed!
    I mean,Mr Holtz has some fantastic newbies on the horizon!!! :-))))
    Have a creative 2010 everyone!

  76. I will be making a desktop calender for 2011 starting from 2010...every month, I will create one month for next year, so that, by end of dec this year, my calendar will be ready for 2011 :)

    thks for the great giveaway!!!!!!!!!!

  77. Awesome giveaway! Some crafty resolutions: participate in more challenges and submit some of my work for publication. Lofty goals - we'll see if I can do it!

  78. Wow, what a great candy! My goal for 2010 and my crafting is to be making more and better cards - that should be possible with all the inspirational blogs to visit here in bloglandia! :-)I also got my first sewing machine this christmas, so I would like to learn how to use that one, too..! Happy New Year by the way!

  79. Oh my what a fabulous blog candy!!! Happy New Year to the entire Simon Says Crew!!!!
    My crafting goal this year is to get more organized, it is an on going process but needs to be done. Thank you for the chance to win.

  80. WOW! This is fabulous candy!! My new years resolution is to organize my stamping area and to try some new techniques. I love making cards and craft projects and always looking for new ideas.
    Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy!!

    Happy new year to all at Simon Says!!

  81. For the coming year I wish myself to see more of my ideas come into being and materialized on paper, on canvas and other mediums... Thanks for the chance to dream...

  82. WOW! I just found your blog and you guys are GENEROUS! Count me in for a chance to win, please.

  83. Oh wow, what a fabulous giveaway. My crafting goal for 2010 is to help my friend finish her wedding scrapbook. Thank you so much for the chance.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  84. Ohh Wee, Super exciting!!
    The Fabulous SSS group are so very generous!!!
    My resolution for 2010 is 2 fold:
    1) I'll practice, practice, practice my card making & scrapbooking layouts
    2) Use more product than I buy, hence the reason I need to get busy so I can still shop (hee, hee).
    I'm crossing my fingers & toes in hopes I may win, woo hoo ;-)

  85. to become organized so I can produce more cards and pages

  86. Omg - what fantastic candy - I can imagine myself trying to choose , you would have to set a time limit on me !! My crafting goals - well i must remember to eat and get to bed on time. and do H****W**K!! I am not joking i get so involved with a project i forget to have lunch and to make dinner and i can be found crafting at 3am. Can cause a few arguments LOL!! Apart from that i am going to continue to enjoy my crafting :) xx

  87. My most important goal for this year - creatively speaking - is to finish most of the 25-28 scrapbooking projects that are either half done or need to be started!

    Happy 2010 to you girls!!!

  88. My goal for this year is to try new techniques and start my own blog!!!
    I really love crafting and I hope I take it one step further...
    Happy New Year to everybody!!!
    Full of health inspiration and creativity!!!

  89. Amazing candy!!
    My goal for next year is to be more possitive and passionate. Hope this 2010 will be good for all of us.
    Happy new year for everybody!!

  90. Happy New year to all at Simon Says Stamp! That card is absolutely adorable.

    I hope to make at least a card a week this upcoming year and actually post it on my blog. We'll see...

    Thanks for all you guys do!

    Tracy XXXOOOO

  91. wow this is so cool, especially since simonsaysstamp has become oneof my favorite online stores. my new years goal is to buy scrapp items and built up a scraproom :) since i am new beginner i dont have much but i promise to only buy things i will definetly use. so i hope i win:)

  92. Happy New Year! Hope this year is a creative and fun one for everyone. I hope to get more organized this year. That way, I can use my goodies and have room for more new things!!

  93. What great candy! Thank for a chance
    This year I want to make my 1st scrapbook pages, one card of each week

  94. WOW..This is some wonderful candy... My plans are just like all the other years just keep on making more cards and sharing them with my friends, family and many more.

  95. What an amazing blong candy! I really want to make an album for my little girl - at least one that presents her first year. Thank you for the chance to win!

  96. My goal is to get more organized in my craft room!

  97. OMGֱ
    Awesome candy! Thanks soooo much for the chance to win! I really want to be the lucky winner!Love Simon Says Stamp! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  98. WOW!!!! Love the candy!!!
    Happy 2010 to everybody!!
    Hope it brings happiness and creativity to all!!
    I hope I get to finish all the scrapbooks I have laying around!!!

  99. Wow!! Such wonderful beginning of the New Year :) Thank you for such sweet candy. My resolution is to get better and better in scrapbooking :) I will learn new techniques - esp. hot embossing. I know that it will be great year - one of the greatest in my life (although I do not know from where this knowingness comes).
    I hope that it will be wonderful year for everyone in Simon Says Stamp!!!

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  101. Wow what a fab giveaway- very generous.
    I haven't really made any new years resolutions this year because I never stick to them lol, but I am going to try my hardest to make more me time, to make more cards and blog more as I haven't been able to do as much as I would of liked over the last few months.
    Lora x

  102. happy new year count me in please

  103. My goal is to finally get started again in making art! I've been feeling so down in all of 2009, and wasn't able to do as much as I wanted to.


  104. This year I am going to think outside of the box and create original artwork. I am going to use all the classes, skills and materials I have collected to make one of a kind artwork. Peggy

  105. Happy new Year!!!!
    Hope it will be a super good one, for everyone!!!!

    My goal is to get more into stamping. I enjoyed Tim's tags so much and I think it is time to do more stamping this year.

  106. One of my goals is: to play with all the new colors Distress Inks of Tim Holtz. Reaching for endless possibilities and color combo's.

  107. Happy New Year!! My crafting goal is to talk my husband into letting me turn one of the extra (extra being the key word) bedrooms into a crafting room. Great candy.

  108. wow what great blog candy. I usually chose a word to describe my goal for the new year. This year my word is minimize. I want to minimize my waistline. Minimize my old scrap goodies so I can get fresh new stuff without the guilt.Minimize my pictures on my memory cards. I need to scrap all the wonderful pics I have taken over the last year. SO that is it my word for the ear is MINIMIZE!!I hope everyone has a great 2010

  109. What a great blog and fabulous store you have! My New Years resolution is to make more art and learn more techniques! Thanks for the fabulous blog candy....hope you have a wonderful New Year!

    Take Care - Robin

  110. Wow, great candy! My goal is to see papers designed by me printed :)
    Happy New Year to Simon Says Stamp!

  111. Great
    The resolution is..No more resolutions..Just do it! YAY@

  112. Beautiful card!!! My goal would be to make more art and blog more.

  113. Great candy up for grabs! My goal is to not wait til the last minute to make a card. To also try out more new techniques!

  114. WOW--what generous blog candy!
    My New Year goal is to make sure that I have enough Christmas cards (made by myself) for Christmas 2010 and to meet a load more happy card makers on their blogs.
    I hope everyone at Simon Says Stamp had a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2010!

  115. My goal for this new year is too use up my supplies that have been sitting around.

  116. You always have the best blog candy. Thanks!!

    Wishing you continued sucess in 2010!!!

  117. I just stumbled on your site and love the inspiration here. My goals this year is to get caught up on my scrapping and to learn more techniques when it comes to stamping. I have to admit that I've just recently over the past several months become addicted to stamping. I can't wait to get started on this years cards. I hope everyone at Simon Says has a wonderful New Year.

  118. Oh wow, what a fabulous giveaway.
    My Crafty New Year Goal will be to make one card every week!
    Happy New Year everyone!

  119. My scrappy-resolution is to fully enjoy every card I make! And to churn out enough wedding cards for each of the 7 weddings (and counting!) I have been invited to this year!

  120. wow...that's nice candy! how do you choose ONE thing lol...My goal in the scrappin arena is to get my xmas cards done before summer! yes...I can do this! I have everything I need and cannot wait to get my order from you as good luck to all! but I really want you to just pick ME ME ME! ok? lol ty for a chance! cher

  121. Great giveaway! My goal for 2010 is to have more fun producing paper crafts and less worries about getting "perfect" results. And I also intend to buy and learn how to use copic markers!
    Thanks for the chance!

  122. Happy New Year to you and tkx for this stunning Candy! My Goals for this year are to improve my coloring with copics, to make more cards to have them ready on hand when needed and to start much earlier with the xmas-card-production......
    Susanne H.

  123. I am hoping to finally get my website up and running and to post to my blog more faithfully, and experimenting with new art methods that I'm unfamiliar with. I love making ATCs and cards and such, but want to branch out and challenge myself this year! I am now off to visit your Simon Says Stamp website!

  124. My goal this year is to continue to develope my style and try new techniques. - Some times I just like to stamp and layer. Would love to win some new stamps. thanks.

  125. What a fabulous card! I love it!!

    My scrappy goal this year is just to get more done. I have been slacking lately since I have just not been feeling it but I want to get my groove back!!

  126. I'd say I have the same goal as always... to get lots of scrapbooking done this year. It never seems to happen though. I do resolve however to take a little time each month for me to spend doing something creative!

  127. Cool!! Thank you so much for the chance to win! I think one of my goals for this year is updating my blog often and at least finish 3 cards and 1 layout a week. This year is going to be very busy for me, since I'm going to plan my wedding!! So probably these two goals are enough :)
    Happy New Year!!

  128. Oh My Oh My! What an amazing giveaway! My craft goal for 2010 is general and basic (although not necessarily simple!). I want to really focus on using up my stash!

  129. I'm basically a card-maker, but I rarely send them to anyone! I'm on two design teams and I tend to make card fronts. However, this year, I am resolving to make cards in addition to my design assignments, and I resolve to send cards....many cards....through the mail.

  130. OK ,,, my new years resolution ,,, which has already failed ,,,, was to clean my inked stamps before inking another ,,, and not leave them to pile up till they topple over ,,,, :-/

    Lols x x x


  131. Hi! First of all Happy New Year! My goal for this year is simple: I would like to make more layouts than last year. I have so many photos that are waiting for me..:)

  132. oh what fab fab candy,my new year goal is to experiment more and to enter as many challenges as I can,love the mouse on that card detail is amazing love cheryl xx

  133. Wahoo for Heidi and Simon Says Stamp! What a generous gift. My goal is to finally get my craft studio set up so I can use it. We've lived in our house for 3 years and the room was dedicated for my crafting use. Unfortunately life kept getting in the way so the room filled with stuff. I'm making progress, but still crafting on a TV tray in the living room. By the end of the month I will be IN my studio!!!

  134. wow! such a generous candy :) well my resolution is to dedicate more time to my scrapping and to try out different techniques which will take my crafting out of the 'box'.

  135. Oh I love that silly bunny with the shoes and pearls on. Love the blog also! Thanks!

  136. O my! My goal this year is to participate in more challenges, to get out of my comfort zone.

    Thanks for the chance to win this candy!

    Happy New Year!

  137. Amazing candy! And difficult question...
    Perhaps, my main goal is to create more, better and more often:))

  138. Happy New Year!
    what beautiful candy :)
    I don't have New Year's arts goal (I don't have any New's Year goals), but I want to be better and better at crafting and enjoy doing something beautiful

    Hugs from Poland

  139. What a wonderful blog candy!! I am not making any New Year Resolutions - cos I never ever did keep any but I just wanted to wish for everyone to have peace and a wonderful year and I want to be more ahead with my Christmas cards this time!

  140. what a great candy for the new year!
    10x so much!
    inbar s

  141. What a candy! I wish I had luck this time :) Happy New Year!

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Oh my this is adorable! I have this stamp and I have never considered it for an invitation. Thanks for the inspiration and the generous blog candy! Have a great and creative weekend!


  144. My goal is to "play" with my craft at least every week - even if it's just to get some ink on stamps that have never seen ink! Happy New Year!


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