
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Lucky Blog Follower!

Congrats to the BUG! The very lucky duck of some surprise candy from last weeks CHA show. Please email me at with your addy so I can send your goodies!

Here's what our winner had to say:

"LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Sarah Kay Stamps! I think those would have to be my fave.
Snow, Cold and Blowey here (only 9 degrees out right now) so I am SO ready for spring!"

I'm ready for spring too! Our hometown Groundhog in Ohio (Buckeye Chuck) did not see his shadow today so if his predictions are correct that means...EARLY SPRING! This is a silly tradition I know, but I'll take what I can get!


1 comment:

  1. Oh how Exciting! Thank you so much for sharing some of the CHA excitement with us who could not go!


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