
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Be project!

Go Green

Hi everyone...Happy EARTH Day! It's a great day to have a little reminder to be a little more friendly to the environment by remembering to reuse, reinvent, and recycle! We have some great products to show your EARTH pride, and a simple and fun project to do.

Love Green


Turn response envelopes into stickers

This craft is the perfect activity for a rainy day or after school playdate. Every time you receive a piece of junk mail, check to see if it has a response envelope. If an envelope is included, tuck it away in a drawer or storage box. That way, you'll have a good supply of envelopes on hand at a moment's notice.

You will need:

Response envelopes

Your favorite stamps

Markers, Colored Pencils, Ink Pads


Cut the lick-and-stick strip of each envelope into 2-inch rectangles.

Decorate the non-adhesive side of the rectangle with your favorite stamps!

Place anywhere you would normally put stickers.

This is great fun...give it a try...and while you're at it...check out some of our other great GREEN sets from Unity and Clear & Simple...

Eco Chic

Owl Recycle

*BLOG CANDY ALERT...Join our following and tell me what you think of the green project, and you could win a GREEN ink pad and some GREEN at Heart Paper! I will announce the winner Thursday April 29th.

Keep those creative juices flowing...



  1. Happy Earth Day to each of YOU! The GREEN Project is Fabulous and I had started that a while ago!

    There is a gal I met a while back and she actually creates with them. Any way we can give back to "Mother Earth" is a must.

    Love the giveaway. I am already a Follower...who wouldn't be. Have a Grand Day!


  2. Happy Earth day!

    love the green project---hope everyone is trying a little harder to GO GREEN!

  3. Happy Earth Day. The card is classy, but simple. I'm a follower. Thanks for a chance to win some fun blog candy.

  4. Happy Earth Day!!
    Fabulous idea!! I'm always trying to find ways to be more green. =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  5. Love the card with the green leaf - it is amazing.

    I hadn't been saving my return envelopes, but I sure will now. With 6 grandchildren nearby, I know they will get used up! LOL.

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. Happy Earth Day! I think it's great with a special green day, but we could all do better each day :D

  7. I normally save those extra envelopes and your Green project is a fab idea!

  8. Happy earth day. To celebrate, I took photos of my garden and posted them on my blog. I like the sticker idea. Speaking of envelopes: I use old calendars to make envelopes. Already a follower.

  9. I'm a follower and I love green projects. Thanks for the chance to win green! :0)

  10. Very clever! Love the project! I LOVE anything that helps our planet!

  11. I love the green project---hope everyone is trying a little harder to GO GREEN!

  12. Love the Earth Day projects, love stamps and these are particularly adorable

  13. oohh I think we need to do a recycle challenge too ! :-) We all need to take care and not throw away so much. I know we all have lots of offcuts of card to use, scraps of ribbon, old buttons ,, !! :-)

    perfect stamps to use for the recycle theme ! :-)

    Lols x x

  14. I had soooooo much fun on the blog hop. Many awesome projects that were shown. Happy Earth day Yesterday. I go green alot on my many ways to do it.
    Thanks for the give away chance too.

  15. Love the "green" project! It's so much fun to try to be more "green" every day in our crafting. I'm always amazed at how many things I find to re-use (just last night I rescued the packaging from my kids' Pokemon trading cards to use as shaker boxes). Keep up the great work inspiring us all!

  16. Green project is great, love it.
    I am your follower and candy is so stunning. Hugs,Moni

  17. Happy Earth Day. I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. Yipee!! A friend told me to come on over and take a look and i find out i have won the JUST MAGNOLIA BLOG HOP!! Wow -what a week it was my birthday weds, i won blog candy Thursday i have won the BLOG HOP TODAY And my partner is taking me away for the night tomorrow .. Best Birthday ever!!
    Thank you
    Lisa ;)

  19. I already use all my return envelopes, especially the recycled 'kraft' coloured ones!! It's nice to help save our planet, and be thrifty smart at the same time!! xx

  20. Das ist eine tolle Idee und man hat immer was parat
    lg gila

  21. The card is great ~ I really love the added leaf and all the texture it has. As for your green project ~ that is a great idea that I would have never thought of....I'm sure my kids will have fun with that one.


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