Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Just Magnolia!

I'm very pleased and honored to be joining in the festivities of Just Magnolia turning 1!!! I hope you've enjoyed the blog hop! Simon Says Stamp would like to give big huge hugs and say thanks so much to each and every design team member for Just Magnolia! It's because of your hard work and beautiful designs that the blog has become the success that it is, we're so happy to be a part of it!

The theme of this week's challenge is Thank-You. For the DT this means a huge thank you to all our lovely followers and entrants each week and also to our amazingly generous sponsors for the fabulous prizes they put up each week.

The first stop on the hop is Just Magnolia so if you're on our blog first, please start HERE

Check out the candy for Just Magnolia this week....pretty awesome for a Magnolia enthusiast....

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


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TAKE THE CHALLENGE: Simon Says Stamp Challenge! | Vintage Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge


  1. Hello,
    I have finished the blog hop at Just Magnolia.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.
    Have a nice weekend,
    from Anna

  2. A great blog hop, thoroughly enjoyed it. Creations from the DT were amazing. Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy. xSuzix

  3. Thanks for the chance to win this fabolous prize. I just finished the blog hop at Just Magnolia :)
    Happy First Birthday :)

  4. That was one brilliant hop, the dt have made the most stunning items and the inspiration has been overflowing. Thanks so much.

  5. Wowsers!! The blog hop was fantastic!! So much eye candy for us Maggie lovers! Thanks team for the experience!
    Love Leonie

  6. I am a huge follower of your! I dont have any of your stamps and would love to win this!! I have a stamped images and I totally love them!thanks for the chance!

  7. What a wonderful candy - that you for giving us all the chance to win! COngrats to the DT Team at Just Magnolia for a wonderful year of challenges and for all the inspirational creations they've shared on this blog hop! bx

  8. Congratulations on your 1st Birthday ! Gosh how time flies. Thank you to all the dt and organisers of Just Magnolia, not forgetting the sponsors who are so generous. You all work so hard and give freely your time and talents - it is much appreciated.
    I love the JUST MAGNOLIA and always read the posts on google reader.

    Thanks for the blog hop and the chance to win!

    Big Hugs

  9. What a fab hop with some fabulous inspirtion from the DT along the way.
    Thank you for the chance to win that fabulous prize
    Lisa ;)

  10. Woooow I went round everything Dt Just Magnolia, that of pleasures for eyes, they are all really so magnificent some as the others. And one thank you quite special has you for your big generosity. You make a team brilliant.
    Saddened for my English

  11. thank you for offering such a wonderful prize. My project is and i have commented on all the stops ont he hop x

  12. hi i hopped al they way to you , great dt cards they are stunning, and what a great gift you are giving away, ihope i maybe the lucky one , thanks fot the great chance hugs christa

  13. HAPPY 1ST Birthday! I very much enjoyed the blog hop!

  14. I just finished the fabulous Just Magnolia Blog Hop. So many gorgeous creations and inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win such a generous prize.

  15. Hi Simon Say`s,

    I wanted to thank yo for giving us all the change of winning on the bloghop at Just Magnolia,
    I just loved doing that for the first time.
    and sorry for my bad English;)

    Sonja Bekker

  16. Brilliant blog hop what talented Dt they all are! Thanks so much for being a sponsor and giving us a chance to win such yummy goodies hugs Rebekah xx

  17. Wow, that was a great Just Magnolia Blog Hop.
    It's great that you give us the chance to win such a beautiful prize.

  18. what a wonderful celebration and that is some serious magnolia candy for the winner thankyou for this fab prize now all i got to do is win hee hee xx

  19. Oh, what wonderful Magnolia candy and a fun hop! :)

  20. Gorgeous creations, beautiful makes from the DT . Loving the Magnolia hop.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Lovely blog hop! So many wonderful cards, they gave me so much inspiration and energy.

  23. Hi,

    Thanks for the chance to win this wonderfull candy, just finished the hop, all the creations are so great.


  24. The blog hop was fantasic and I am now finished. Thanks for the chance to win! Have a nice weekend!


  25. Great hop I really enjoyed the gorgeous cards THANK YOU all you are all truely talented and inspiring hugs Toni

  26. Lots of yummy candy. You guys always offer up the best stuff! Thanks! Gina L

  27. amazing blog hop, such beautiful creations, Happy Birthday JM! hugs debx

  28. Just finished hopping, and wanted to say THANK YOU! For the wonderful prize pack that is up for grabs. :)

  29. Great hop! Thank you so much Stephanie for sponsoring all the time, you have such a great store, Hugs!

  30. Great blog hop and some seriously stunning cards from the DT!

    Congratulations Just Magnolia on the success of your first year! May many more follow.

  31. Wow that was one great hop! Thanks for the opportunity.

  32. I did the whole hop!!!! And boy that was fun! The team has some pretty beautiful tricks down their sleeves! I love everything I saw! And now it's up to me to keep my fingers crossed reaaaaaaaaaaal hard!!!! LOL

    Thanks for the chances to win those beautiful candies!!!!

  33. It was a great blog hop. I got lot's of great ideas.

  34. Thank you for this chance.
    I enjoyed the blog hop.

  35. How fun with the bloghop, and such a lovely price....Thank you for the chance to win! :)

  36. Thank you for the wonderful blog hop and sponsoring such an amazing prize. So appreciate the chance to win!

  37. My first blog hop I've participated in since coming back to blogging, and I enjoyed every minute of it, the DT cards are all outstanding, and goes to show why Just Magnolia is so successful with such a talented group of ladies. Congrats to both you and Just Magnolia.......long may it continue.
    Donna xx

  38. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win! It was a fantastic blog hop :)

  39. Oh my what a fabulous blog hop full of gorgeous creations from the DT.Thankyou Simon Says for donating such wonderful prizes.
    Trish (-:

  40. Fab prize!!! Thanks for the chance!! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  41. Thank you for the chance to win and it was lovely to see all the DT beautiful creations.
    Max x

  42. Thank you very much for sponsoring just magnolia and offering this great prize for their first birthday xx

  43. I finished the blog hop at just Magnolia. There were so many wonderful creations! Thank you for the chance to win!
    Many thanks,
    -Natalie M.

  44. What an amazing blog hop - some delicious creations along the way - you are so kind to be putting upsuch a fabulous candy prize and a voucher too wowee! thankyou for the chance - have mentioned you on my blog

  45. Hiya I have completed this awsome magnolia blog many beautiful creations..I have had a ball..thank you for the chance to win some brilliant candy :o)
    have a great weekend!!
    hugs Michelle Xx

  46. Thanks for the chance to win :D

    I've finished all the blog hop at just mangolia. And man! What a nice collection of cards :D The DT's are so tallented!

    Hugs from Norway :)

  47. Happy 1st Birthday with Magnolia! Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous products and meet some amazing artists!

  48. Thanks for giving us the chance to win your FABULOUS candy. Loved all the items made by the DT, they really are INCREDIBLY talented.

    Judi xx

  49. Thank you for such a wonderful blog hop today - It was full of fabulous inspiration and beautiful creativity.
    happy 1st birthday :) xx

  50. Thanks for opportunity to win!!


  51. Have seen so many beautiful cards. Wow!

    abackman66 at

  52. Thank you for the chance to win!Love the challenge.

  53. Hi there

    What a great hop and what generous candy you are offering.
    Thank you.

    Hugs Ali x

  54. Fantastic Blog Hop thoroughly enjoyed every moment, Absolutely Stunning Creations from all the DT and a big Thank you for this chance to win this Super Candy Hugs
    Sarah xx

  55. Thank you for sponsoring a wonderful prize!

  56. Thank you also to everyone at Simon Says - & for all your support of the design teams. I suspect your hand is often to be found in places that we the public are not aware of. Thanks.
    Paula (PEP)

  57. Thanks for the chance to win these prizes and Happy 1st Birthday to Just Magnolia.


  58. Thanks so much for your sponsorship of the Magnolia Challenge.

    Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

  59. Thank you for the change to win!!What a wonderful candy.
    Greetings Anneke

  60. Thank you for offering up such wonderful prizes as sponsors for so many of the blogs. you rock!

  61. HIya Ladies......thanksssssssssssss for this opportunity. Wow I really had fun with the blog hop....and commenting on each and everyone of the DT members with their incredible and have a fab weekend. Terry xxx

  62. Thanks for sponsoring the blog hop

  63. Happy Birthday to Just Magnolia! And Simon Says Stamp is AWESOME for sponsoring this fun challenge blog! I love to play along when I can! :) thanks so very much for the chance to win such lovely Maggie goodies!!!
    Hugs~ Kim

  64. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome candy! Happy blogaversary Just Magnolia! Thanks to Simon Says Stamp for sponsoring an awesome blog hop!

  65. Great blog hop. Some wonderful creations.
    Thank you for the chance.
    Pam x

  66. What a fab prize and you are so generous , happy birthday just magnolia, hope you have many more. Julye

  67. Yay, I finished a hop, too!
    I learned a lot during this, Now off to try some things.

    Thank you for giving such goodies away.

  68. What a super hop and the Magnolia team is a very very talented bunch.
    Thank you for a chance to win a lovely candy. Hugs, Mette

  69. Even although i have never won any of the challenges i would like to thank Simon Says for all the sponsors of the blogs that we all enter the challenges of since it is you that brings us scurrying for the prize knowing that you have lots of yummy goodies on offer. Happy anniversary to Just Magnolia and thanks dt for all the fab inspiration

  70. Great Blog Hop - awesome, inspiring cards and makes from the DT, so it it just remains for me to say a big Happy Birthday to Just Magnolia!! Juliexx

  71. This was a fantastic blog hop, so many beautiful creations! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  72. It has been such a pleasure to get throug this bloghop today, and watch all these stunning projects from all of you. I´m totally speachless about soo many great entries. You´ve all done a fantastic job and thanks sooo much for the chance to win all these goodies, which I definately would love to have.
    CONGRATULATIONS to all of you with the first year, and I really hope, there´ll be many many more to come with more wonderful and great ideas for us to learn from. Thanks sooo much for being here.
    Biiiig hugs Maryann

  73. Hi!!!
    I have finished the blog hop at Just Magnolia.
    Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic prize.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs Natalie.

  74. I love Magnolia stamps and the hop was gorgeous!! All thoise pretty cards and gifts!! Awesome prizes!! Thanks xx

  75. We are thrilled that Simonsaysstamp sponsors Just Magnolia, this is a fab blog hop !
    Kate x

  76. Fab blog hop and the creations are totally gorgeous. Thanks for a chance to win yet another fab prize from Simon Says.

    Tracy x

  77. Thank you so much for the chance to win this yummy candy and also thanks for all the sponsorships you provide for all the challenge blogs. Take Care Debs xx

  78. WOW! WOW!!! Thank you sooo VERY MUCH for the fabulous prize and the chance to be in the draw to win these exciting goodies!! Lotsa luv xxxxxx

  79. Hi,
    and thanks so much for your sponsorship of all the prizes and for the special candy this week on Just Magnolia's first birthday.

  80. That was a fantastic hop with so much inspiration!
    Thanks so much for putting up such a fab prize!
    Lora x

  81. Had a great time on the bloghop.
    Happy First Birthday to all the Ladies at Just Magnolia and thanks to Simon Says Stamp for such a great prize!

    Sharon x

  82. hophophop... OMG ... I´m ready with the blog hop... And I´ve seen soooo wonderful works by the DT´s. GREAT EYE-Candy's!
    So I will thank you for all shares by the DT'S and a great Thank YOU for the chance to win some candy's!
    Hugs from Germany...
    my card

  83. Stunning prize you have put up for the birthday blog hop. Thanks so much.

  84. Happy Birthday Magnolia!!
    Loved the blog hop....amazing creations!!

    Karen x

  85. I have just completed the blog hop, and what a great way to spend an afternoon. So many fabulous creations and blogs I hadn't come across before.Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.
    Caroline xxx

  86. thank you for the chance to win this amazing candy, I have had a great time hopping

  87. I have finished the blog hop at Just Magnolia, thanks so much for the chance to win this gorgeous prize x

    Fern xx

  88. What a fabulous blog hop. The DT has outdone themselves. Thanks for being such a great sponsor for Just Magnolia and for the chance to win such wonderful candy.

  89. Ohh wow!! What a nice giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win :) This blog hop was really fun, the creations from the DT were amazing! So many talented ladies. Happy 1st bday to Just Magnolia!

  90. I've enjoy the blog hop!

    Thanks for the chance to win that beautiful candy.

  91. Thank you so much for providing such a joy on this hop with chance to win a awesome candy!!
    I`ll keep my fingers crossed!

  92. Thank You So Much Simon Says... for all the Candy gifts you are donating... This makes us all Give it all! And we get inspired on the way by all the others... On all theese Challenges at Just Magnolia! Thank you for all the Lovely Challenges... I have reached a bit further Thanks to you! :)

  93. Absolutely stunning creations on the hop, thank you for your kindness and for a chance to win!

  94. Yeeaaayy - I finished the blog hop! Took me ages, so much to see.

    Nicki, xx

  95. Thanks for putting up all those lovely prices on the Just Magnolia challenges. So sweet of you. Great blog hop!

  96. Thanks so much for sponsoring - what a fabulous prize :)

  97. I have had so much fun looking at all DT fab cards on the Just magnolia blog hop

    lv toria

  98. The Just Magnolia blog hop was fantastic! So love all the cute images and the DT's projects were so inspiring!

  99. thanks for the hoping! lovely work to see all over!

  100. Thank you for sponsoring them for this challenge, All their work is fab and you are so spoiling us with this candy! hehe xxx

  101. thanks for the chance to win!
    love from norway!

  102. Hi, Wow it was a fab blog hop! So many gorgeous DT creations. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Lisa x

  103. Wow, think that was a marathon hop!!!lol what a fabulous bunch of talented DT members too, thanks for the chance to win these fab prize, keep up the good work, Happy Crafting, Sue xx

  104. i have had such a wonderful time hopping - what a talent those girlies have - my mind is overflowing with inspiration !

    thank you to all the dt - your makes were amazing !!!

    and thanks to simon says too for the fab chance of some awesome candy !!

    ive hopped that much i think id give tildas frog a run for his money ! rofl


  105. Thank you so much for the chance to win and what a fab blog hop.

    Hugs Paula xxxx

  106. Super blog hop very inpirational and gorgeous eye-candy along the way
    thankyou for the chance to win

  107. I've finished the blog hop and arrived here to see this great candy. Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies.

    Hugs, Kiki

  108. I have finished the blog hop at Just Magnolia.
    Thank you for this great candy

  109. great hop! ANd thanks for sponsoring!

  110. Congrats to all the girls on the team and thanks for all the wonderful ideas and creations every week. Massive thanks to the sponsors of the challenge blog for all their generosity
    Suzanne x

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  112. A great blog hop!
    Thank you for the chance to win this, I forgot to comment here, so now I finished :D
    Hugs Anneke

  113. So many fab creations! And thanks Simon Says for your generousity!!!

    Big hugs

  114. Had a great time on the hop! Wonderful creations from everyone! Thanks for donating this awesome candy!

  115. This was a fun hop. Thanks to all involved. The DT are amazing and obviously put a lot of work into this! Thanks for the chance at the candy, which is pretty amazing on it's own.

  116. Such a nice bloghop, so many candy! Lovely DT work!!
    Hugs Ingrid

  117. Loved the blog hop! It gives a lot of inspiration! I also think that it is important to leave a little comment to put to words what you think about the creations.
    Then I would like to thank both you and Just magnolia for great challenges with great prices. I must admit that it is extra tempting this week!(the blog hop price!)


  118. The hop was sooo inspiring, I am dizzy with all the inspiration!! Thanks Simon Says for being part of this wonderful JMagnolia challenge, and for spoiling us so much with lovely giveaways and yummy products!! Awesome!

  119. Awesome prize! thanks for the chance to win :oD Loved the blog hop, lots of fun thankyou!

  120. Hi
    This was a fun blog hop!
    Thank you to all!
    Have a blessed week!

  121. Thank you so much for the chance to win a fab price!

  122. I`ve just finished hopping through all those wonderful blogs, which was great fun! Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!

  123. I had such a fabulous time with the blog hop. I'm full of inspiration after seeing all the wonderful DT creations.


Thanks so much for visiting our Simon Says Stamp blog! We work hard to update it daily and provide lots of ideas and current events. We appreciate the time you take to leave a comment! It makes us feel like someone is listening ;)

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.