
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Heavy (or lightweight) Metal!

I really like the balance created when feminine meets metal - ever feel like you're missing that extra finishing touch? Add a metal charm or object! I've noticed a new trend toward Asian-themed creations (it could be because of the new Japanese Tilda and Chinese Tilda from the Bon Voyage collection)...but Dove of the East is the perfect collection to use for any project if you want feng shui energy! I love the intricacies that are used in their metal pieces - especially the one shown above called Rising Sun.

Ribbon Slides Round
I like the floral details on these ribbon slides. They'd look great with any kind of ribbon while also adding stability to the project. These are superb because they aren't limited to only being ribbon slides - you could also glue them like charms or hang them. These Round Ribbon Slides kind of look like wreaths, which would be great for a winter holiday card, too! Perhaps paint them with some green paint (like Paint Dabber Bottle)?

Ah, adds balance to any card or project you can think of! One of my wonderful coworkers, Tiffany (you may know her from customer service) did a project with her daughter Tori involving these super mega bottlecaps. They decorated them and then punched a hole in them to make necklaces for Tori's 9th birthday party - a HUGE hit among Tori and her friends. Some other options for these bottlecaps:
-Put a photo in them for an easy frame
-Glue a sentiment in or on them
-Turn them into metal flowers
-Punch a hole and hang them for a make-your-own-charm
-Paint them to represent the sun or any other circular object
-Make a snowman or pumpkin!

Gold Leaf Sheets
These Gold Leaf Sheets are a terrific tool to give any project a special effect. The best part is that they are so versatile - they work with any material and simultaneously make whatever they're covering more swanky. Use it for the background of a card or press it onto different shapes!

If you've worked with metal or difficult to secure pieces, you have probably reached for Duncan's Liquid Fusion. It's fast-drying and waterproof and will work on any non-porous surface. Even better - you don't get glue fumes because it's nontoxic.

Lastly, we have Carnival flowers in a tin from Prima. Heidi can testify to the fact that I made a bit fuss over these when I saw them. Now you don't have to worry about painting flowers silver or gold - they just come that way! Each tin is filled with approximately 64 flowers! Woowoo!! They are flexible so if you feel like molding them together or gluing them in place a certain way, you can! Don't forget: metallics match everything.

Happy inventing!


  1. These are all gorgeous!!! I have these flowers and they're beautiful!!

  2. [url= ]Сразу несколько вопросов про коляски для малыша. [/url]
    Прошу помощи. Предстоит аборт..он у меня первый, беременности никогда не было! Мне 22. Аборт буду делать на сроке 1,5 месяца. Очень страшно, тк никаких операций в жизни у меня не было и наркоза боюсь..Бывают так как смертельные случаи.
    Собираюсь делать операционный аборт, тк говорят что таблетка больше опасно-большая доза гармонов+в первую очередь все точно еще приходится делать выскабливание.
    Аборт я буду делать даром в роддоме, говорят там профессионалы.
    В приватную идти боюсь. Может порекомендуете, куда можно пойти,чтобы без последствий? Я из Москвы.
    По поводу такого, что это грех и т.п. прошу не писать.


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