
Sunday, August 10, 2008

House Mouse Released 44 New Stamp Designs

In the News! House Mouse just released 44 brand new designs. We have them ALL in our store: Simon Says Stamp. Here are some of our Team's favorites:

House Mouse
has always been close to my heart. Many moons ago, the very first stamp I ever purchased was a House Mouse design. Back then, the manufacturer was Stampa Rosa. Now Stampabilities produces the House Mouse Designs. Ellen Jareckie, Creator and artist of the mischievous mice, also has a line of GRRReat bears called Gruffies, and whimsical rabbits called Happy Hoppers. Ellen is one heck of an artist! KUDOS GIRL! Click here to view her photo and bio.

Be the 10th comment to this blog entry, and we will send you whichever House Mouse, Gruffies, Or Happy Hoppers design stamp you'd like to add to your collection. We stock every single one of Ellen's current designs. Over 600 in all! *BLOG CANDY ALERT*

Featured are: House Mouse Frightingly Adorable, Dear Santa I ate your cookies, The Gift of Friendship, Scuttle School, Hot Cocoa Social.
Happy Hoppers Balloon Journey and Gruffies Finding Friendship.


  1. I reallly loved them from the first sight, but never never had any of them...maybe it's time to change it :)

  2. love those cutties

  3. These are soooo adorable!! Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Oh pick me please.....

  5. oh... it's a nice Idea... so sweet..

  6. Oh, they are wonderful!!! I woul love them!

  7. Congratulations BOBO! Which stamp would you like to receive?

  8. How cool! I loves me some mouses!!!!

  9. OHHH! I'm very-very happy!!! I'm just seeing the mouse and bears end so difficult to find my favourite. All are wonderful!!

  10. What a tough choice, they are all so adorable!

  11. I've found some favourites, but I don't know the Your email adress, Simon. How can I send you my adress and choise?

  12. bobo, email: smiles!

  13. congrats bobo!!! I love my HM, Gruffies and HH!!! I might need some new ones now!! LOl

  14. Thanks for congrats and thanks for SimonSaysStamp for a help:-) Now I'm wait for the stamp and then I show You how I use it.

  15. great stamps:) congrats to 10th:)

  16. Dear Simon! I've got the wined stamp, thank You very much!!! It's wonderful, I will love to work with it.


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