This week we have a color combination for you........
Lemon, orange, apple green and pink - lovely Summery colours.
You do not have to use all four of these colours, you can do a combination of just two if you prefer.
diese Woche haben wir eine neue Challenge für Euch, und zwar eine Farbkombi:
Lemon, orange, apfelgrün und pink - richtige Sommerfarben :-)
Ihr müsst nicht alle der Farben auf Eurer Karte verwenden, ihr könnt es kombinieren wie ihr wollt...
E heti kihívásunk egy színkombináció:
Citrom, narancs, almazöld és rószaszín-szép nyárias színek!:)
Nem kell használni mind a négy színt, lehet csak kettőnek a kombinációja az alkotásodon, ha neked az jobban tetszik!
Heti vendégünk Bev. Látogass el blogjára!
A nyeremény egy 25 dolláros utalvány, amit a Simon Says Stamp webáruházban lehet levásárolni a szerencsés nyertesnek!
Jó alkotást kívánok!
Dziękujemy bardzo za udział w poprzednim wyzwaniu.
Dzisiaj proponujemy Wam zabawę z wyjątkowo letnim zestawem kolorów: dodajcie do siebie zielone jabłuszko, pomarańczowy, cytrynowy i różowy (nie musicie używać wszystkich, jeśli nie chcecie), stwórzcie jakąś piękną pracę i koniecznie pochwalcie się nią zamieszczając link przez Mr Linky lub w komentarzach. Macie szansę wygrać 25$ na zakupy w sklepie SimonSaysStamp!!!
W tym tygodniu gościnnie na naszym blogu występuje BEV. Koniecznie odwiedźcie jej bloga, żeby zobaczyć, jak piękne rzeczy tworzy.
Our Designer in the Spotlight this week is the very talented and popular Bev who has recently just joined our happy family at Simon Says Stamp. If you haven't already, you must check out Bev's blog and be prepared to be amazed ! This is the card that Bev has made for us for this week's challenge.

Here are the rest of the DT's creations to inspire you . You can click on each Design Team members name and it will take you directly to their blog so you can see the rest of their amazing work !!!!
Heidi is giving away a $25 shopping spree to the winner of this week's challenge. The winner is chosen at random...





What are you waiting for!? Hop on over to the challenge for your chance to win a Simon Says Stamp store voucher (WITH FREE SHIPPING!) and share your fresh summer work with blogland! It's a great way for you to visit others' blogs and see what they have made with these pretty colors too!
Have a lovely day ;) - Heidi
I would love to share a picture that has brightened my day. His messy hairdo and healthy teeth take after his mommy, his smile is priceless to me!
( This is a picture of my little boy watching the firetrucks, horses, balloons, clowns, tractors - all of his favorite things in the Fourth of July Parade)
Poppa let him "pretend Drive" his collector's car. It was a really good day for a little boy!
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Fab photo Heidi and great creations from the DT.
ReplyDeleteYou visited my blog and asked if you could feature a card (Willow with flower basket) - of course you can!! I am very flattered.
Cathy xx
Aww, how gorgeous :-) He really looks like he is enjoying himself :-)
ReplyDeletefab photo's for scrapbooking :-)
Lols x x
Ohh Heidi, he is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! What fun!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOoooEeee ~ It's good to be Jax! Mom & Dad are very lucky, too!
ReplyDeleteOh great Photos. He`s a little sweet Angel!!!
I posted my card on my blog I hope you like it .Sarah http://sarahscrazycreations.blogspot.com I love all the card you have up